Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Baxter on discipline

This is where it really starts. I will begin to use this blog space as an area to gather thoughts and material on Baxter's theory and practice of church discipline (the subject of this years dissertation). Other material will continue to appear but Baxter will be my main topic of concern.

Here he is in "The Reformed Pastor" (Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh; 1656 rpr. 2001).

Prayer and discipline p. 108: "[Prayer] should be done in every case of discipline, but particularly if the offender will not be present to receive admonition, or gives no evidence of repentance, and shows no desires for the prayers of the congregation... let us be very earnest in prayer for him, that the congregation may be excited affectionately to join with us; and who knows but God may hear our prayers, and the sinner's heart may relent under them, more than under all our exhortations?... If ministers would be conscientious in performing this duty entirely and self denyingly, they might make something of it, and expect a blessing upon it".

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