Thursday, March 08, 2007

Samuel Rutherford

Here are some quotes from Samuel rutherford...enjoy:

When Christ shall circle his glorious arm about your head and you rest in an infinite compass of surpassing glory, when glory (or ripened grace) shall be with you, above, and below, when feet of clay shall walk upon pure surpassing glory, then the thoughts of all your present soul-troubles shall be as shadows that passed away ten thousand years ago.

We want HIM! I should refuse heaven if Christ were not there. Take Christ away from heaven and it is but a poor, unheartsome, dark, waste dwelling. Heaven without Christ would look like a direful land of death. Ah, saith Christ, your joy must be full, John 14:3, then I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am there you may be also. I confess, mansions are but places of briars and thorns without Christ. I want heaven in order to have Christ, not Christ in order to have heaven.

Be content to wade through the waters betwixt you and glory with him, holding his hand fast, for he knoweth all the fords. Howbeit ye may be ducked, but ye cannot drown, being in his company; and ye may all the way to glory see the way bedewed with his blood who is thy forerunner. Be not afraid, therefore, when ye come even to the black and swelling river of death, to put in your foot and wade after him. The current, how strong soever, cannot carry you down the water to hell: the Son of God, his death and resurrection, are stepping stones and a stay to you; set down your feet by faith upon these stones, and go through as on dry land.

Heaven is no dream.

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