Monday, June 12, 2006

A Clam Structure!!!

See the great way Paul orders his material around the acts of the sinful nature and the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:14-26.

v15 biting and devouring each other and becoming destroyed.
...v16 command to live by the Spirit.
......v17 desires of the sinful nature and Spirit (opposed).
.........v18 led by the Spirit then you are not under law.
............v19-21 ACTS OF THE SINFUL NATURE.
............v 22-23a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.
.........v23b led by the Spirit then you are not under law.
......v24 desires of the sinful nature and Christ (opposed).
...v25 command to keep in step with the Spirit we live by.
v26 provoking and envying each other and becoming conceited.

Notice that the acts of the sinful nature are plural and the fruit of the Spirit is singular

Both of these things must mean something awesome...

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