Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Spurgeon in a house

I've been away with church this weekend, and here is a parable by Charles Spurgeon which was quoted/ paraphrased:

There was a man who lived in a kingdom. He was a vegetable grower and was growing a prize carrot. It turned out that this carrot was an amazing carrot, huge and worthy of first place in any horticultural show. The man uprooted his carrot and because of his love and respect for his king, took it to him and laid it at his feet. He gave his prize carrot completely over to his king. The king in return said 'thank you for this gift which you have given me out of the abundance of your heart, here I will give you a field in return'.

Now a noble man standing in the kings court overheard these things and said to himself 'I will get the king my prize horse, that is sure to get me a gift from the king'. So he went, found the best horse he had and laid it at the kings feet. He gave his prize horse completely over to the king. But the king took the horse and walked away. The noble man was furious with the king but the king turned around and said 'I gave the gardenener a field because he gave me a gift for the simple reason that he wanted to bless his king, whereas you gave me a gift for the simple reason that you wanted a field - you are a foolish man, but I will keep your horse'.

If we give to God so that we might inherit something (heaven etc.) we are doing it for our own sake, we are not doing it to bless the king...

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